People experiencing homelessness, including youth and young adults, are uniquely vulnerable to COVID-19.

We're here to help you get through it.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQ) youth are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than their straight and cisgender peers. Now is the time to make sure all young people have access to live-saving services without fear of discrimination or violence. We must not fail them in our response to the coronavirus. Our systems are only as strong as they are in a time of crisis.

We'll be updating this page with resources and action items for folks working in the field, advocates making a difference, and young people looking for help.

What are you looking for?

If you're looking for advice on serving youth experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic...

Here are some resources we recommend.


If you want to make a difference...

Here's how you can help.

Tell your elected officials: "Don't leave youth experiencing homelessness out of the federal response to COVID-19!"

  • Contact your Senators and Congressional representative asking that they include resources for youth experiencing homelessness in the federal response to COVID-19. Over the coming weeks, we will speak out in a unified voice and take coordinated action to defend the health and civil rights of LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness.


If you're looking for help or someone to talk to...

Coronavirus affects us all. Here are some resources that might help.

Know your rights! We put together some tip sheets to help you navigate and access services.

If you need to get in touch with health or emergency services in your area:

It's important to take care of your mental health during this time:

If you're experiencing homelessness, thinking of running away, or need help with a problem at home: